S&THex Software font is oversized or doesn't appear correctly
If the software screen font looks oversized and doesn't appear readable, this can be very annoying and affect your work with the product, the problem is mainly caused due to a corrupt font or missing front on your computer, this causes the "MS Sans Serif" font that the software uses to look bigger in size than normal and in some instances it can appear in wrong format or unreadable.
To fix this you need to install the missing font.
This short article has the attached font for you to install. please unzip the file first
To install the font do the following:
1- Copy the new font from its folder to the Font Directory (located at C:\Windows\Fonts).
2- Navigate to, and open, the Windows Font Directory.
3- In another window, open your new font folder
4- Copy the font to the Font Directory.
You can also do the following
1- Right-click on the font you want to install.
2- Select Install from the menu